Return to Center

In order to restore balance to a compromised system, we need medicine, but not in the way that our system has been pushing on us. ​We need coaching, but not in the way we have been marketed to. ​We need guidance, but not in the way that we have been programmed to believe. 

Return to Center

In order to restore balance to a compromised system, we need medicine, but not in the way that our system has been pushing on us. ​We need coaching, but not in the way we have been marketed to. ​We need guidance, but not in the way that we have been programmed to believe... 

"Healing is deeply intimate. Your health is uniquely unique, not only physical, but also sacred, and ultimately spiritual." 

Are you struggling to show up for your mission, your passion, your loved ones due to the unexplainable symptoms you are dealing with in your body?


  • Low Energy, Fatigue, Mood

  • Poor and Unpredictable Digestion

  • Hormone imbalance

  • Inflammation or Pain

  • Bloated, Puffy, Swollen

  • Brain Fog, Distraction, Anxiety

  • Sensitive, Reactive, Problematic Skin

  • Unhealthy Weight Changes

  • Sugar Cravings

  • Emotional Eating


  • Full of Energy, Vitality, Creativity

  • Smooth and Consistent Digestion

  • Balanced Hormones and Mood

  • Pain free and Vibrant

  • Clear, Focused, Calm Mind

  • Radiant Skin, Hair, Eyes

  • Rested and Ready

  • Ideal Weight for your Season of life

  • Balanced Blood Sugar

  • Healthy Relationship to Food


  • Low Energy, Fatigue, Mood

  • Poor and Unpredictable Digestion

  • Hormone imbalance

  • Inflammation or Pain

  • Bloated, Puffy, Swollen

  • Brain Fog, Distraction, Anxiety

  • Sensitive, Reactive, Problematic Skin

  • Unhealthy Weight Changes

  • Sugar Cravings

  • Emotional Eating


  • Full of Energy, Vitality, Creativity

  • Smooth and Consistent Digestion

  • Balanced Hormones and Mood

  • Pain free and Vibrant

  • Clear, Focused, Calm Mind

  • Radiant Skin, Hair, Eyes

  • Rested and Ready

  • Ideal Weight for your Season of life

  • Balanced Blood Sugar

  • Healthy Relationship to Food

You have been thinking of the body as the problem, the obstacle, as the thing blocking you from what you want to do, and assuming that something is WRONG with your body, but that is entirely untrue. 

We need to shift our perspective, and to understand that EVERYTHING the body is doing is intelligent. The body is a highly refined instrument of divine design and it NEVER makes a mistake. 

What we have thought of as something WRONG is actually the body trying desperately to get our attention and show us what we need to change in order to heal, to restore balance, and to Return to our Center.

What we need is to restore our connection to our inner Vibrant Body Wisdom.

The body is actively trying to SHOW YOU how to heal, how to become the best version of you, and how to move beyond the old patterns, thoughts, behaviors that are keeping you stuck in the past, in pain, in lack, in trauma, in giving away your power…


And you are ready to shift your perspective and choose a new road that leads in the direction of your best self, renewed vitality, and the energy and stamina and stability to build your vision, and you know that you will need help to walk this road, I would like to

INVITE YOU TO JOIN ME in our foundational program of the VIBRANT BODY WISDOM SCHOOL.

About Dr. B

Dr. Eric Baumgartner is a father and a pilgrim, and has spent the last 27 years in the study and practice of medicine traditions from around the world. His father and grandfather were both physicians, and though he grew up suspecting he would be a doctor someday, he had no idea that his path would lead to Eastern and natural medicine.

He currently holds a Master’s degree in Traditional Eastern Medicine from Emperor's College, as well as a Doctorate in Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine with a Family Medicine specialization from Pacific College of Health and Science including sub-specialties in Women's Health, Pediatrics, Mental Health, Neurology, and Orthopedics.

He practices Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, Herbalism, and Nutrition in Ojai at Alquimia Wellness and also teaches and works with patients remotely around the world.


Return to Center

Our foundational course within the

Vibrant Body Wisdom School
Returning home to the Heart: Rediscovering inspiration, creativity, and a new way of Feminine Leadership


Humble Beginnings

Restore Stability & Get Nourished:

  • Essential Nutrition for Vitality

  • Gentle Movement for Longevity

  • Balance Blood Sugar for Energy

  • Restoring Sleep Cycle and Circadian Rhythm

  • Identify Hidden Stressors

  • Open Drainage Pathways for Detox

  • Optional Lab Testing


Healing the Earth

Rebuild the Soil: Digestive System

  • Address Parasites and Dysbiosis

  • Support Liver and Gallbladder

  • Begin to Detox Mold/Metals/ Chemicals

  • Tracking Macronutrients for Nutritional Optimization

  • Learning to Lead by Example


Getting to the Root

Uncovering the Sources of Suffering

  • Identifying Emotional Stagnation

  • Unraveling the Story

  • Rewriting the Script: Word Cleanse

  • Deepening the Detox

  • Mitochondrial Support

  • Vagus Nerve Tonification

  • Reconnecting to the Heart Calling

  • Intuitive Nutrition


Humble Beginnings

Restore Stability & Get Nourished:

  • Essential Nutrition for Vitality

  • Gentle Movement for Longevity

  • Balance Blood Sugar for Energy

  • Restoring Sleep Cycle and Circadian Rhythm

  • Identify Hidden Stressors

  • Open Drainage Pathways for Detox

  • Optional Lab Testing


Healing the Earth

Rebuild the Soil: Digestive System

  • Address Parasites and Dysbiosis for gut health

  • Support LiverGallbladder and Drainage Pathways

  • Begin to Detox Mold/Metals/ Chemicals

  • Tracking Macronutrients to Optimize Nutrition

  • Learning to Lead by Example

  • Restoring Connection to the Earth and natural cycles


Getting to the Root

Uncovering the Sources of Suffering

  • Identifying Emotional Stagnation

  • Unraveling the Story

  • Rewriting the Script: Word Cleanse

  • Deepening the Detox

  • Mitochondrial Support

  • Vagus Nerve Tonification

  • Reconnecting to the Heart Calling

  • Intuitive Nutrition


Community Care

Vibrant Care Member



Dripped Weekly Return to Center


Guided Self-healing Practices

and Meditations

3x Monthly Community Wellness

Coaching Calls

Access to 3 mo Detox and Gut Healing protocol and Nutritional Plan

Vibrant Care PLUS



Dripped Weekly Return to Center


Practices + Meditations +

Community Wellness Calls

Food & Mood Journals +

HIPAA Complaint Direct Messaging

Customized 3 mo Detox and Gut Healing protocol and Nutritional Plan

1x Initial Case Review with Dr. Eric

- 90 min

2x monthly Follow Up Centering Sessions

- 60 min

1x Final Integration Session - 30 min

BONUS: 1x monthly Celestial Beauty Consultation with Cheserae - 30 min

15% Discount on Supplements/Herbs

Vibrant Care Community



Dripped Weekly Return to Center Curriculum

Guided Self-healing Practices and Meditations

3x Monthly Community Wellness Coaching Calls

Access to 3 mo Detox and Gut Healing protocol

and Nutritional Plan

15% Discount on Supplements/Herbs

Vibrant Care PLUS



Dripped Weekly Return to Center Curriculum

Practices + Meditations + Community Wellness Calls

Food & Mood Journals + HIPAA Complaint

Direct Messaging

Customized 3 mo Detox and Gut Healing protocol

and Nutritional Plan

1x Initial Case Review with Dr. Eric - 90 min

2x monthly Follow Up Centering Sessions - 60 min

1x Final Integration Session - 30 min

BONUS: 1x monthly Celestial Beauty Consultation

with Cheserae - 30 min

Frequently Asked Questions

When are the Community Wellness Coaching Calls?

The calls will take place 3x/month on Tuesday mornings at 9am. Dates will be announced monthly, in the last week of the month.

What is the difference between Community Member and Community PLUS?

Everything that the Community Membership includes is also included in Community PLUS with the additional benefit of getting monthly 1:1 time with Dr. Baumgartner in order to customize your plan and get additional personalized support. In addition, the PLUS plan includes text support from Dr. Baumgartner through our HIPPAA compliant membership platform Practice Better, AND access to our Food and Mood journal for diet and symptom tracking which will be reviewed during your monthly 1:1 meeting with Dr. B. The Community Membership does include email support and text support with the Alquimia Wellness concierge team.

Do I have to follow a specific Diet or Nutrition Plan?

We firmly believe that there is no One-Size-Fits-All nutrition plan. We do offer guidelines for nutrition to support our Return to Center process, and will spend ample time during our Community Calls discussing customizations for each individual's needs. We will also be fine tuning nutrition as we go, so there is plenty of opportunity to learn how to eat for your unique body's needs with the goal of developing a way of eating that is in tune with your own body wisdom and the seasons of your life and health.

Are Lab Tests included in the program?

Personalized Lab testing recommendations will be made for those who register for the Community Care PLUS program during their first 1:1 meeting with Dr. Baumgartner, at which time labs may be purchased for an additional cost. General recommendations will be shared during the Community Wellness Calls and can be purchased for an additional cost which will include an interpretation fee. Neither program fee includes Lab costs.

If I register for Community Care, can I still get 1:1 support from Dr. B?

If you register for the Community Care program and later decide you would like more support from Dr. B directly, you can either upgrade to the PLUS program, or you can schedule and purchase a Functional Wellness Consult subject to availability. PLUS members do receive priority scheduling as well as direct messaging during the program duration.

What if I have already tried Functional or Eastern Medicine?

Our approach is different. We have seen over and over that although there are many amazing practitioners doing their best to help, often times there is an emphasis on fixing, and telling you what to do, and on the tools, techniques, and supplements that often end up feeling overhwelming and disempowering. Our goal is to help you rebuild a stable foundation for lasting wellbeing, holding your hand and supporting you to forge a strong connection to your Inner Doctor, your inner Vibrant Body Wisdom, so that you leave our program empowered, educated, and confident in how to care for your own health and wellbeing. We don't have all the answers, but you do. And we can help you find them.

Are Supplements included in the program?

Supplements are not included in the cost of either program. However, all participants will have access to practitioner-only supplements and herbs, and will receive recommendations for how to choose a protocol that fits their needs and guidance on how to best use the products for maximum benefit.

How do I know if this will work for me?

The principles of this program are all about learning how to care for yourself. This is not about a dogmatic one-way of doing it "right," or anyone telling you what to do. It is about empowering you to take better care of your body, your mind, your heart, and about surrounding you with the support system that you need to implement positive change in your life. If you are ready to make a change for the better, and willing to show up for yourself and make your health and wellbeing a top prioritiy, there is no way that you can fail. Results, of course, can vary, and one of the key learnings is that everything the body is doing is intelligent, and has a purpose, so sometimes symptoms don't resolve on the timeline we expect. We can never guarantee a particular issue will completely resolve, but we can guarantee you will gain valuable insights and tools to help you improve whatever issue you are facing.

What if I dont' have time?

This is one of the most common concerns for our clients.  We absolutely know you are busy, you are up to things that are supremely important, both for you, for your family, community, and also, for us.  We believe in you and what you are doing in the world.  Which is why we are here to remind you that if you do NOT make time for your health, everything else in your life is at risk of losing the MVP…you.  So, making time is ESSENTIAL, however, we have made this as simple and streamlined as possible.  Most weeks your time commitment is under 2hrs.  1 hr for a weekly call, and less than an hour to watch a pre-recorded video.  From there we will be walking you gradually through a process of reclaiming more time for yourself, which you desperately and deeply need, and you will be supported by a team of professionals, and a group of like-minded women who have the same goal: to restore vibrant health so you can get back to being your best. 


"I am grateful for the profound healing experiences with Dr. Eric Baumgartner.  Not only is Eric a gifted healer, but a teacher of the “wisdom healing arts”.  Eric is able to go to the core of emotions and life experience — to identify the roots of what may be causing an imbalance or illness.  Using a deep listening process, followed by a combination of healing techniques, there are subtle and welcome results."


“When I started, my adrenal function was at 25%. I was stressed to the max (and had been for more than a decade.) Now, I’m back to 100% and feeling fabulous.”


"I went to see Dr. Eric for a countless list of chronic symptoms that no one else could help with. When you work on such a subtle spiritual level and are giving so much as many women who hold space are, the body can go out of balance. Sometimes mysteriously and inexplicably because of the complexity of all the layers we carry. In that moment it’s a gift to be met by someone who speaks your language and is able to see the whole picture. Someone who believes that whatever you are going through is asking you to reveal more of your destiny."


Get In Touch

Studio Address:

445 W El Roblar Drive, Ojai CA 93023

Assistance Hours:

Tues-Fri 11:00am – 6:00pm

Sat-Mon – *by appointment

Phone Number:


445 W El Roblar Dr, Ojai, CA 93023, USA

Get In Touch

Studio Address:

445 W El Roblar Drive, Ojai CA 93023

Assistance Hours:

Tues-Fri 11:00am – 6:00pm

Sat-Mon – *by appointment

Phone Number:


445 W El Roblar Dr, Ojai, CA 93023, USA

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